MCM Marchetti Costruzioni Meccaniche Srl

The Philosophy

MCM Marchetti Costruzioni Meccaniche has been operating since 1881 in the field of precision mechanical carpentry, working with iron, stainless steel and aluminum. A story of passion and care where the protagonists are the skilled hands that work. Everyday people work with us to keep the entire production process efficient and sensitive to the needs of an increasingly selected customer. The carpentry can satisfy production requests in small batches or in series, complete with mechanical machining and surface treatments.
First generation | MCM Marchetti Costruzioni Meccaniche Srl

First generation

An individual, a family, a story that tell hard moments, difficulties experienced and faced together until they are overcome. A company born from the commitment of the Marchetti Family.

Second generation

A job done with passion and creativity to always give new forms to ideas, staying open to change and innovation. A company with solid roots and at the same time dynamic and flexible.

Third generation

The years of industrial change are coming and the Marchetti group, guided by the experience gained, begins a process of specialization and strengthening of its skills.

Fourth generation

Today, thanks to the young ideas supported by three generations of experience, the Marchetti group proposes itself as a strategic partner to those who seek professionalism and high quality standards.

Annalisa | MCM Marchetti Costruzioni Meccaniche Srl


Annalisa deals with the Administration, Finance and Control process and with the analysis of business risks.

Paola | MCM Marchetti Costruzioni Meccaniche Srl


Paola is responsible for the Quality Management System, which concerns the governance of the organization and the monitoring of pre-established objectives.

Stefano | MCM Marchetti Costruzioni Meccaniche Srl


Stefano covers the role of Plant Management by implementing the established guidelines and objectives and developing new strategies with the help of selected collaborators.

Carpenteria meccanica di precisione per piccoli lotti o serie programmate, complete e finite di lavorazioni meccaniche.