MCM Marchetti Costruzioni Meccaniche Srl

The carpentry

MCM Marchetti Costruzioni Meccaniche opera dal 1881 nel settore della carpenteria meccanica di precisione, lavorando ferro, acciaio inox e alluminio. Grazie a partnership con importati contractors, MCM realizza progetti di elevata qualità e raffinatezza per diverse tipologie di spazi: dagli auditorium agli aeroporti, dai teatri alle sale polifunzionali. Ogni giorno persone collaborano con noi per mantenere l’intero processo produttivo efficiente e attento alle esigenze di una clientela sempre più selezionata. Le carpenteria può soddisfare richieste di produzione in piccoli lotti o in serie programmate, complete e finite di lavorazioni meccaniche e trattamenti superficiali. Una storia di passione e impegno dove mani sapienti che lavorano sono le vere protagoniste. Hai un progetto e ti servono prodotti specifici? Contattaci e richiedi informazioni: i tecnici MCM sono a tua disposizione per fornirti soluzioni su misura.

MCM has as its primary objective the quality of its product.

Stuff preparation | MCM Marchetti Costruzioni Meccaniche Srl

Stuff preparation

In the first phase of processing in the plant a detailed selection of raw materials is carried out, preparing them for the following steps. During this phase MCM Marchetti is accompanied by high-level partner warehouses and highly reliable equipment.



Pre-assemblies and visual / dimensional checks are routine operations. During the assembly phase, the specialized technicians reproduce with sophisticated fidelity what the customer requested.



Thanks to its experience in the sector and the numerous certifications obtained, the MCM Marchetti performs specific checks on welds. These can also be performed with the intervention of certified bodies.


Mechanical working

Our workshop provides to our customers a department specialized in mechanical machining, also tailored to the needs of the project.



MCM Marchetti, always within its structure, provides the painting and finishing of the product. On request it is also possible to perform machining operations such as galvanizing, chromium plating and sandblasting.


Quality check

MCM Marchetti has as its primary objective the quality of its product. For this reason, during every production phase, accurate checks and tests are carried out.

Precision mechanical carpentry for small batches or scheduled series, complete and finished with mechanical processing.